Habit Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Chetan Patel


Its Very powerful tool to be effective and joyful This simple but powerful practice has enhanced my life and consistently manifested positive outcomes. The practice has also allowed me to become more present in my day. I have found that I spend less time in the past...

To be a mastermind leader, you need to focus on 4 essential things which are TECH for me. TECH is Thoughts,Emotions,Communication, Habits  Thoughts Our thoughts impact our every single action, if you think I can do it, your actions will be solution-oriented and if you think, I...

Let's focus on three principles to live a great life as a happy human being.   1. Focus on what you have and practice gratitude daily Remember: Life is happening “for me “not “to me “ Read the book: The magic, A Book by Rhonda Byrne   2. Focus on what's...

Do you follow the complete Project life cycle during the project? Do project creation meetings including Technical, designer, Quality and Sales team Clear Proper Requirement /ER diagram/mind map Prepare Project Design UI/UX and frames Study Project Reference link to prepare wireframe Create Test cases Do Sprint and create a Quality gateway...

Dear Leader, Welcome to 2021 Challenge, I wish you will accept it! I hope you will practice the following 5 life-changing habits for the 21/90 days of the new year until they become your Standard Operating Procedure. Oh—you CAN do these! You are stronger than you know and...

What at the “Three Laws of Performance?” 1. How situations occur to you will you give the same results. ( Watch my video on drashtikon : https://youtu.be/iI88XSZ-0ho ) 2. How a situation occurs arises in language. ( Watch my video one positive, Be Healthy, Be Wealthy, Be Wise:...

How we pretend. Ever wondered how much we even pretend to be positive? It is also hypocrisy to accept God's situation and to live as it is. An overdose of staying positive is even more dangerous than an overdose of a sleeping pill. We all live a double life....

આપણે કેટલો દંભ કરીએ છીએ. ક્યારેય વિચાર્યું છે કે આપણે પોઝિટિવ હોવાનો પણ કેટલો દંભ કરીએ છીએ? ઈશ્વરે જે પરિસ્થિતિ આવી છે એ સ્વીકારી લેવું અને જેવું છે એવું જીવન જીવવું એ પણ દંભ છે. પોઝિટિવ રહેવાનો ઓવર ડોઝ ઊંઘની ગોળીના ઓવર ડોઝ કરતા પણ ખતરનાક છે. આપણે બધા...

Did you know that goal setting is also an important skill? Yes. This is one such skill on which your entire life and success that you achieve depend. Nurturing of goal setting skill should happen early in a students’ life. Any skill built early in age...