Blog - Page 3 of 14 - Chetan Patel


I am delighted to share a powerful story of personal transformation that underscores the importance of integrity. In this blog, I will narrate the journey of one of my clients who confronted and overcame a challenging internal struggle. Through self-reflection, guidance, and a commitment to...

Are you ready to unleash your full potential as an IT entrepreneur? Join the Leader's Integrity program and embark on a transformative one-month journey that will revolutionize your business growth. Over 250 IT entrepreneurs have already experienced breakthroughs by applying our proven growth framework, which...

Crafting Compelling Sales Content for Your IT Service Company: Real-Time Experiences, Struggles, and Stories that Build Trust and Drive Transactions. In the fast-paced world of IT services, capturing the attention of potential clients and earning their trust is paramount. Writing persuasive sales content that resonates with...

A must-read. Each word is a diamond! A rare conversation between Ramkrishna Paramahansa and Swami Vivekananda. Read it aloud to your family and Share it with your loved ones. It's one of the best messages I have come across. 👉 Swami Vivekanand:- I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic. Ramkrishna...

Habit loop to improve our organization's habit Implementing the habit loop within an organization can help improve habits and drive positive change. Here's how you can apply the habit loop to enhance organizational habits: software development company called TechnoTech, which aims to improve its communication habits...

Technology to enhance Productivity - Upgrade , Uplift and Update    Good Evening all the entrepreneurs and welcome to the VUCA world. Here SPEED is the second name of success.   Answer to sustain in this VUCA world is , Continuously explore and adapt to emerging technologies relevant to...