31 Oct passing through money challenges
If you are passing through money challenges nowadays…this can help you.
- Maybe your relationship with money is not good at a sub-conscious level ( think money is good or bad for you)
- Maybe you are not very disciplined with managing money ( miss management of money can lead problems)
- Maybe you do not look up to rich and successful people ( you are average of five people around you)
- Maybe you went through some childhood experiences, where good people lost money and you might have created a story in your head that money is the cause of destruction ( likewise for me, I have heard in my childhood that if one get money then all the evils come in life. that was my thinking pattern about money)
- Maybe you do not want to be more successful than your parents ( you are in comfort zone or fearfull or satisfied)
These just a few examples, but there could be many more reasons.
I used to be stuck financially for many years due to my conversations about money.
And the minute I realised that the cause of my money issues was nobody but my self, and my thinking… everything started to change.
to start with, let me give you the wonderful gift to make you rich. just change the habit of giving money and you will see the change in your money area.
#Use a branded purse always to give respect to money.
# Clean your purse and remove unnecessary papers to make your money feel happy with you.
# Arrange all the notes of money and coins properly to let your money work for you.
# Whenever you give money to anybody fold the money notes shown in the picture of this blog and then do prayer silently and give money to them.
My dear money,
Please satisfy the hunger of people, educate people and give them luxuries life
Then come back to me with infinite numbers.
I have faith in you.
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