Goal Setting Strategies - Chetan Patel - Life Coach in Surat

Goal Setting Strategies – Chetan Patel – Life Coach in Surat

Goal setting strategies- Life coach in Surat

Goal Setting Strategies – Chetan Patel – Life Coach in Surat

Have you been feeling down for not able to achieve your targeted goal?

Has it occurred to you that at times, you have tried hard to plan certain things but never been able to fulfill it?

Why? What might have gone wrong? Where have you miscalculated?

I am Chetan Patel, your life coach in Surat, helping you achieve your goals better with proper goal-setting strategies.

“A goal properly set is halfway reached”

In life, it is important to cultivate this habit of setting your goals and working towards it. Setting and planning your goals will give you a direction and ways to achieve your goals. Remember, there are no shortcuts. Everything is achieved with blood, sweat and tears! Be prepared to work for it day and night! Relentlessly!

It took me a good few years to analyze and create a noteworthy goal-setting strategy for my own business. I also introspected my life and working methodologies to become a successful Life coach in Surat.

Well, you may have heard enough of goal setting! What I have for you is a smart goal setting example. ReAD ON!

Your question: Why don’t I get my goal achieved?

My Answer: Because you don’t write it and don’t follow the action plan and PPP method.

Here’s what I want you to do to plan your work

  1. Create an excel sheet
  2. First column: Write down your goals
  3. Second column: Write down the results you want to achieve.
  4. Third column: Write down your purpose (compelling reasons why you want to accomplish your goals).
  5. Fourth column: Write down the timeline to achieve those goals
  6. Fifth column: Develop a sequence of priority actions. This step will prioritize your goals

Now, that you have planned your action goal plan, ask the below questions to yourself against each of your goals

  • What do I really want?
  • What’s my purpose?
  • What do I need to do?

If you have not been able to attain your goal, then it means that your goals were not set or determined. Do not let your goals floating in the air. Make your goals relevant to your life. If your goals have not been realistic. A smart goal setting involves a timeline as well as a deadline. A smart goal setting happens when you can measure your goals.

Let me hold an example here. Supposedly, your goal is to learn a new skill and earn a promotion next year. Then I would make it smarter by specifying your goal in a more measurable, attainable and relevant manner that should be achieved in a given span of time. You can modify your goal as “ I would take up a digital marketing course for 6 months, enhance my knowledge on it by implementing it and pitch for my promotion as senior social media manager by April 2021.”

This is what I say smart goal setting. Through this, you would know and measure your performance and understand where to put more effort. Remember, no matter where you are in life, the importance of goal setting in life will remain crucial.

So, give your goal a well-written plan, a timeline, and all your determination. Your dream will not be too far away.


Want to get fool-proof ways to plan your day well?  Click here.


Chetan Patel

Motivational Speaker | Business Trainer | Life coach in Surat, Gujarat

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