Podcasts Archive - Page 11 of 54 - Chetan Patel

Early Birds

Sales & Marketing | Sales Mindset: 1. Positivity - Stay always positive that your idea or proposal will be convinced the other they will approve it. Create it with not being self-centric but that covers benefits of all. - Try to stay away from negativity 2. Faith in yourself -...

Heading: How to scale your business What is the scalability in business. In general, scalability is something like life of its own. Your business should grow with or without you exponentially. And exponentially does not mean going from 100 to 120, 130, 150 , exponentially means...

Anulom Vilom Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama This is not just a breathing exercise, but it is a noteworthy yogic technique that involves controlling of subtle ‘Pranic energies’ (or vital force or bio-energies) of our body flowing through specific channels. The...

Network | Time Management Time management is a technique for using your time more effectively. Organize your professional and personal tasks based on how urgent and important they are, and take care of the most urgent and important first, followed by activities that are not urgent...

1. Have crazy idea 2. Buid business which can run without you and after you. 3.  Sometime you might need to shake hands with your biggest competitors also 4. Travel where your customer are there world wide. 5. Cold email, cold letters...

Radical open-mindedness and radical transparency are invaluable for rapid learning and effective change. Learning is the product of a continuous real-time feedback loop in which we make decisions, see their outcomes, and improve our understanding of reality as a result. Being radically open-minded enhances the efficiency of...