Want to get Freedom ? - Chetan Patel

Want to get Freedom ?

Want to get Freedom ?

Chetan Patel
Want to get Freedom ?

Then decode the code: DDD 

Have you ever thought on this?

Question: How I lost my freedom?

Answer: it’s simple, by not doing work on time.

I developed mentality by procrastination.

Yes, I made a habit to do the things tomorrow.

This is how I developed life.

I have read many times, Never postpone work on tomorrow because life never postpones the death.

Just keep in mind, no tomorrow exists only today exists

Do self talk and ask your self: Can’t I do today’s work on yesterday?

When I will complete tomorrow’s work yesterday then I will get freedom today.

If you are human then you need freedom. Yes, I can get freedom by completing my tasks before time.

Methodology: Use DDD method and get freedom

D- plan what to Do ( write your work before you go to sleep )

D- plan what you don’t Do

D – what can I delegate

It’s easy but not simple, it’s simple but not easy

To plan your work and work your plan

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