Today is gift - Chetan Patel

Today is gift

Today is gift

Today I recall my past days and recognize that what I have today is a gift.

Lifestyle becomes a gift when you recognize the Heart of your employer in your growth.

Organisation growth becomes a gift when you recognize the heart of employees in their endeavor.

Social happiness becomes the gift when you recognize the heart of your client behind creating business

Gift is not material but a heart behind it.

Price of that gift may be less but value of the gift will be always higher.

Can you see heart of the God behind giving you TODAY as a gift. Realize abusing the gift of divine power.wasting a day doing nothing productive is waste of providential gift.

Without you , I can not
Without me , You can not
You plus me
Anything is possible

Make yourself and your team very productive by transforming daily habits to utilise God’s Gift that’s TODAY.

Hey, isn’t it amazing thought “Today is the first of the rest of your life.”

Live life fully by doing 8 hours of full work and Follow the 888 principle of daily routine

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