The weird, uncanny and mysterious way that a human brain works towards success. - Chetan Patel

The weird, uncanny and mysterious way that a human brain works towards success.

The weird, uncanny and mysterious way that a human brain works towards success.

Now, this might sound funny to you, but it is true though.


Because there is a lot more going in our heads than what we even think we know.


Like any other machine, the human brain or mind is, (you may say styled) in such a way to act or react in a particular manner to a few parameters which run your life, and it would be easy and simple to say that it can be roughly categorized into three:


  • Hunger of anything
  • Fear of anything
  • Desire for anything


Let’s take a look at these points to understand it a little bit further;


FACT: Did you know that the human mind is wired in such a way that it automatically keeps craving for things and can never be satisfied completely.


Now these aren’t pre planned agenda or so, yet they are configured in a way that the brain tends to crave for it, now it might either be

  • A desire for anything: Eg- A desire of respect, that moves you to take a different or certain action to get it.
  • A hunger for either a special or a common thing: Eg- hunger of sex or success,  that continuously diverts the focus.
  • Even the fear of anything: Eg- fear of money, might leave you wondering if you will have enough.


Weird as it may sound, this is all normal and ok to think or want the same because hope and desire are two factors that keep us moving in life all the way through until the end.


Once the hope and desire are gone or lost, life might become meaningless.


Therefore have this motto in your mind always:


“Stay hungry, Fear Nothing, Desire everything”.


So once you understand that what your brain and mind want, it is important that you value that message and work for the same, because staying motivated will always take you to better heights, and that my friend, is something that you can’t turn away from.


Did you know: The human brain is capable of achieving a lot more than we have ever imagined, and that only one per cent of the brain has been used up until now, that has already taken us to the moon and back.


The only thing that comes in between our desire, hunger and fear are our staying motivated and confident.

Once this is taken care of then there is nothing that will stop you from achieving what you crave for.

You may take a look at the few steps that might help you to stay motivated and inspired in achieving the desires that you want, to overcome the fear, or achieve that hunger of success:

  • Stay focused on the things that you want, every single day.
  • Stay motivated and inspired by looking into real-life stories that have taken people places.
  • Make sure that you take a slow and steady pace to win this race.
  • Understand that success can’t be achieved overnight.
  • Remember that hard work pays off.
  • Stay strong and brave.
  • Stay passionate and confident all the way through.
  • Be steady and stable.
  • Have faith and confidence.
  • Stop looking for shortcuts to success (because there aren’t any).
  • Think of your success, as a staircase, take one step at a time and make it gradual.
  • Stop worrying, because that will not take you anywhere.
  • Try and find alternatives, when you get stuck, because there are always alternatives.
  • Never get upset over things that you cannot control.
  • Keep trying, harder and harder, until you achieve what you want.
  • Stay positive
  • Have a real plan in place, and make sure to set goals as you go.
  • Listen to speeches from inspirational and positive speakers to make you stay motivated all the way through.
  • Try and interact with people with similar minded people.
  • Think out of the box
  • Accept ideas and suggestions from critics.
  • Always have your deadlines set, and try and make sure to meet them.
  • Learn to chase your dream, instead of dreaming about them all the time.
  • With time things will always get easier, don’t get too comfortable in that zone, because then you might get stuck there.
  • Never ever give up.

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Chetan Patel is a business trainer in Surat, Gujarat and focuses on transforming lives.

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