#training Archives - Chetan Patel

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Dear Leader, Welcome to 2021 Challenge, I wish you will accept it! I hope you will practice the following 5 life-changing habits for the 21/90 days of the new year until they become your Standard Operating Procedure. Oh—you CAN do these! You are stronger than you know and...

Leadership: Decode the code series ATM: People for you Advisory body: coaches, mentors, partners, parents, spouse, friends, it will make you accountable, you can see the example of Sushant Rajput and Siddharth from CCD , its all about sharing the feelings at a point of time to...

Building a “good” corporate culture has been the talk of the town or more specifically, organizations for a while now. Why is corporate culture gaining such importance? What does corporate culture have to do with brand-building? In this article, I am about to state how strong corporate...

“My mind and body are in perfect balance. I am a harmonious being”- LOUISE HAY How can one gain a perfect mind and body balance? What does nurturing healthy minds mean? How important it is to nurture healthy minds for professional growth? If these are all the mind-pondering questions...