20 Jul Pretend
How we pretend.
Ever wondered how much we even pretend to be positive?
It is also hypocrisy to accept God’s situation and to live as it is.
An overdose of staying positive is even more dangerous than an overdose of a sleeping pill.
We all live a double life. We have become accustomed to slapping and keeping our cheeks red. According to the double standard, life has now become normal.
We always have two answers, one to give to the other and the other to give to ourselves.
Only when you give yourself the answer to give to others will you know what hypocrisy is.
Lazy people advise to keep depression and angry people teach to stay calm, those whose own car is not clean will teach others to keep their life clean.
The distance between how much we do and how much we say is hypocrisy.
The projection of what is not inside us is hypocrisy.
How can we give to others what is not within us?
Once you take off the mask of hypocrisy, you see. Live the way you want to live. Do the same thing you have to do.
Tips 1: If we stop looking at ourselves through the eyes of the world, there is no need to pretend.
Tips 2: If you live with hypocrites, you will become a hypocrite and if you live with sincere people, you will become sincere.
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