Performance is the function of actions- Business Trainer in Gujarat - Chetan Patel

Performance is the function of actions- Business Trainer in Gujarat

Business trainer in Surat

Performance is the function of actions- Business Trainer in Gujarat

Do you want to be a versatile performer in the game called “life”? I am Chetan Patel, your business trainer in Gujarat. Let me help you ace your game and perform better with my simple techniques.


“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”-John Quincy Adams


How rightly said! This is how your actions must be. Then the result becomes the function of your action which can be nothing less than “high peak performance” in the realm of your interest.


Do not focus on the result, but on your everyday actions

If you have a plan or schedule, just execute it. Forget what you gain at the end. Focus on the action. Your motive must be to perform regardless of what you achieve. This perspective will positively influence your action towards excellence causing you to have a great and better result.


“Performance and action are two different stuff. Performance can be fake but the action never lies”- Unknown


Follow the 80-20 rule

Know what to focus and when to focus. Analyze your actions. Are you giving much attention to things to greater value now? Adhere to the 80-20 rule. You may be loaded with endless responsibilities. Worries about your performance may start to bother you. Put an end to such thoughts. You may have n amount of tasks but I am sure you can find the ones that need your greater attention. Focus on them first. The rest will be taken care of.


Stay grounded

Behold whatever situation you are put in a calm and composed manner. Do not go boasting about your achievements. Remember to stay grounded. You can only fly high only if you commit to remain grounded. Keep recollecting your humble beginning.


Learn from mistakes

This rule stays forever in every book known. It is never going to change. This very value of learning from your mistakes is a super-important quality that one must possess to be peak-performers in life. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Because that is how you learn. Accept yourself. Accept your mistakes.


Explore my blog on Mistakes are Good”. I am sure you will fall in love with your mistakes from now on.


Be regular

Consistent actions create consistent results. Always remember that great performances come from what you do consistently and not intermittently. Be regular in your actions. Becoming a regular actioner will help you refine your actions which will involuntarily impact you to perfect every bit of your action. Summing up to become a better performer.


Stay true to yourself

Integrity and ethics are the two pillars that will help in sustainable progress. More importantly, instead of showing it up to others, you must prove these qualities to yourself in the first place. As I always say with integrity in your life you become a person with values sans personal gains. So act with integrity and have ethics in work. The rest will be magic.


Reward yourself for a job well done

Yes, Why not? Why does rewarding be a second person task? Do it for yourself. Acknowledge your smaller achievement. It will help you in staying motivated for a lifetime. This is also a part of self-care. If you become a person who is self-motivating and self-love, only then you can pave way for others you follow.


Don’t wait. Execute 

If you stray off from taking up your responsibilities and commitments, then you are sure to lose confidence and value in the long run. Stop holding yourself from taking your responsibilities, instead head on to them. Undertaking your plan and responsibilities will season you more. This will help you in confronting whatever life throws at you.

As a business trainer in Gujarat, I want to share my insights with you. Check my blogs here for more –>

Remember Consistency is everything. Below is the snippet of the blog for you:

  • Restore the integrity 
  • Focus on commitment
  • Forgive yourself
  • Accept your mistakes
  • Acknowledge your small efforts
  • Breakdown is for good
  • Take responsibility
  • Take actions to cause the result
  • Action…Action…. Action….
  • Execute…Execute… Execute…


As a business trainer in Gujarat, I have helped business leaders and personnel achieve their peak performances by tackling their self and organization’s performance issues from start to finish. With practical training customized to suit your objectives, I can help you and your organization achieve better performances. Contact me for more details.



Chetan Patel


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