15 Jun Leadership: Decode the code series : ATM
Leadership: Decode the code series
ATM: People for you
Advisory body: coaches, mentors, partners, parents, spouse, friends, it will make you accountable, you can see the example of Sushant Rajput and Siddharth from CCD , its all about sharing the feelings at a point of time to come from inner struggle. Always choose your advisors wisely, look at the example Arjun has Krishna as a coach and Duryodhana has Shakuni as a coach.
Top business line: who can do anything for the mission, Arjun for Krishna, hanuman for Ram, Sardar Patel from Gandhiji and Amit shah fro Narendra Modi are the example of TBL, it will ensure timely delivery of the context and moving on the mission, in short TBL is your right hand and mission partners. look at the Vibhishan and Ravan case while firing TBL
Manpower: hire those who believe in what you believe, selection of people, friends, partners is very important, counsel people for their life, develop a methodology to support people around you
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