IT Leaders of India- Be Cool and Calm! - Chetan Patel

IT Leaders of India- Be Cool and Calm!

IT leaders of India during COVID-19- Be cool and calm

IT Leaders of India- Be Cool and Calm!

Hello, IT leaders of India,

The pivotal moment has come. It’s time to act.

Were you ready for this unexpected juncture? If not, read on.

First off, stay cool and keep calm.

Amidst the pandemic, I see lT leaders of India confused and clueless.

Remember, this breakout can be your breakthrough!

Your business can raise stronger than ever.

Crisis management and preparedness is the key.

Prepare Plan A and Plan B.

(Execute plan B only if required)

Do meetings with your whole team and enrol them for integrity practice. What can you say?

  • This is a worldwide problem & we don’t know what will happen next so we have to stand together & fight for it. This is not the time to apply strategy to save our business or your salary but this is time to fight together. 
  • Make them understand the value of working with righteousness in these times is vital for sustaining in these hard times. If not in 2 months the repercussion may be adverse.

It’s time to deliver the promised work ethics and maintain self-discipline.

Be wise and think proactively.

The Good News!


As they say, there’s always a silver lining in every cloud. The IT industry is lucky enough to have their employees serve the same productivity by working from home. (Think of the manufacturing industries !) 

It’s time to work with empathy, not with sympathy. So, plan your work and work on your plan. Adhere to them!

You can work from home or continue from office (that’s okay) but keeping hygienic habits in practice will be integrity.

Tips to make sure your teams are catching up well:

  1. free version to keep track of every hour.
  2.     Use skype groups regularly for any work discussion.
  3.     Daily goal sheets and weekly plan in Google cloud.
  4.     Employees Daily reports in Google cloud.

Other essential software for remote tracking:

  1.     TopTracker
  2.     Google meet & chat
  3.     ClickUp for task management
  4.     Time Doctor


This is not a time to panic but to plan well. Strategizing your business during a pandemic will help you stay in good shape. So, giddy up!

The challenges you may face:

Productivity Challenges 



  1. Create SOP & give them so they will be work like their regular schedule but the location will be the difference
  2. Explain them about the ethics & good practice they should follow as best practice this is not time to cheat or play politics against each other but play authentic roles at least for our self to show that as a world we can fight against the situation


Safety & Code issues

  1. There are many ways to keep it safe like signing NDA with them, asking them to provide a blank cheque, likewise.

Some do’s and don’ts you must keep in your mind.


  •       Do enrolment conversation with your teams.
  •       Implement daily reporting systems
  •       Be hygiene conscious.
  •       Replace physical meeting with video conferences
  •       Do not go out without a mask
  •       Avoid travelling #stayathome



  •       Stop judging and gossiping
  •       Never forward messages without checking its authenticity  
  •       Refrain negative words 
  •       Hold back anxiety
  •       Avoid eating out
  •       Desist physical meetings


What will you gain by shifting your business remotely?

  1. A sense of satisfaction– Though your productivity may be affected but based on the current situation, the universe conspires to our soul to play safe & give priority to life over the business. Because we can’t take accountability or responsibility for someone’s life. Unlike life, losses in businesses can be regained easily.
  2. Build Trust: Will also help to build trust factor & this might create a big impact in our mind & change our point of view towards them.


Let’s hope and pray that times change and it changes us for good.

Let almighty help us in fighting the pandemic stronger.

Be in touch, in case of any queries 


Chetan Patel world

We believe in nurturing

Motivational Speaker | Corporate Trainer | Life Coach in Surat



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