Gratitude- a fun habit -1/5 - Chetan Patel

Gratitude- a fun habit -1/5


Gratitude- a fun habit -1/5

Gratitude-a Fun Habit-1/5

If your gratitude practice grows a little stale, mix things up a bit. Experiment with different strategies and keep in mind that what works one month, might not work the next. But no matter what you do, keep practising gratitude. It’s one of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your life.

I believe, people practice gratitude are 10 % happier than others.

I have given 5 different gratitude practice. One can practice anyone to move in life.that’s why its called 1 out of 5 )

some simple but creative ways to practice gratitude.  

1. Create a gratitude New Year’s Resolution.

Write down one thing you’re grateful for on a slip of paper every day and place it in a jar.

When feeling low or disappointed, take all of those slips of paperback out of the jar and read them. Reviewing all the good things you encountered over the course of the year will remind you of all the good you have in your life.  

Bonus opportunity: read all gratitude with family or friends you love most.

2. Build a gratitude bulletin board.

Building a visual representation of the things you’re grateful for can serve as a good reminder to be thankful–which can be especially helpful when you’re feeling down.

Write down what you’re thankful for on a sticky note and post it to a wall in the house. Or, pin notes with simple words and phrases, like “sunshine” or “Mom” to remind you of the things and people you have to be grateful for.

Bonus opportunity : 

#create a wall in your home for family habit.

#create wall in your workplace for team habit in office.

3. Write a letter of a gratitude letter.

While it’s important to be thankful for the things, it’s even more important to be grateful for the people in your life. And if you send a letter sharing your gratitude, the recipient will experience a boost in their psychological well-being too.  

Identify someone you’re grateful for. Write a letter/Email that explains

  1. why you’re grateful for them. Be as specific as possible. 
  2. Write your experience 
  3. Write his/her experience at that moment

Bonus Opportunity : 

If you can, hand-deliver the letter and read it to the recipient. 

You might even make it a habit to share a letter of gratitude letter on a regular basis, like once a month to a different person.

4. Make a collage that depicts the things you’re grateful for.

Seeing what you’re grateful for in pictures can be a great way to help you stay focused on the positive. Create a collage, either with pictures you’ve taken or with magazine photos that depict the things you appreciate.

Put your collage on a wall or create a scrapbook. Add to it regularly and spend time looking over all the things you feel grateful for.

Bonus Opportunity: this will help you to create a vision board for life.

5. Create a gratitude folder for the office.

While gratitude might seem like something you practice in your personal life, you may want to incorporate more gratitude into your work life too. It can boost your mood in the office to be reminded of all that you have to be thankful for–personal and professional.

Create a gratitude folder to keep in your desk. Fill it with pictures or notes of things that you’re thankful for in your life. When you’re tempted to grumble about work, take a minute to look through your gratitude folder and you might feel better about your life.

Bonus opportunity :

Keep this folder in the pantry area where people can express gratitude about each other and can read others gratitude

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