Enlightenment in the times of Pandemic Coronavirus - Chetan Patel

Enlightenment in the times of Pandemic Coronavirus

Pandemic Coronavirus- Life coach in Surat

Enlightenment in the times of Pandemic Coronavirus

In the time of the pandemic Coronavirus, though the world is aching and hoping for fast recovery of the affected, I feel something beautiful has happened to mankind.

We have been enlightened.

We have started taking care of ourselves. It was a realization to mankind, to cut them off from their routine/mundane lifestyle, and move ahead to connect with their deeper feelings.

You may not be on a vacation. But situations are, as such that you are forced to take a step down. Isolate and practise social distancing. It is tough for us. Isn’t it? We have never been this way ever.

Pandemic is changing us for good. Haven’t we developed all those good habits that our mom’s used to nag us since childhood? The safety measures and precautions one is asked to take upon are mere mandatory personal hygiene.

• Washing hands with soap and warm water frequently to kill germs.
• Sneezing into your elbows and not your hand. Or into a disposal tissue paper.
• Staying home you feel sick to avoid spreading your infection

These simple steps one may or may not have been practising in their lives but with this pandemic, it has become vital. And by the time it leaves us, I am sure this will enter our system to become a habit that we can’t let go. As I said earlier, this pandemic has surely enlightened us.

Another main precaution that we have been asked to take is social distancing. Or Jantacurfew! We love to stay busy, party hard, and get involved with the worldly affairs all the time. Staying immensely detached to our feelings, we have been practising self-distancing all this while.

Well, coronavirus may be taking a toll over our health as a whole. Both mental and physical. As a responsible world citizen, we must make sure t This isolation may be indefinite. We are unaware of the timeline. This scares us even more. But why not make use of this time productively.

Things you can do to have sane isolation or social distancing:

1. Meditate. Get connected with your soul. Make your peace with the scenario.
2. Exercise at home. Try Surya Namaskar or cardio.
3. Read that book you always wanted to finish.
4. Engage with your kids/parents over indoor games
5. Write a blog/journal
6. Sketch or doodle your thoughts out
7. Indulge in delicious cooking
8. Indoor gardening
9. Arrange your wardrobe or do some extra cleaning
10. Watch movies/series

Your perspective, your thoughts matters in these times of pandemic. Your mantra must be to stay fit and stay mindful. Let’s do our bit to break the chain and help get rid of the pandemic coronavirus.

Become enlightened!

Chetan Patel World

Corporate trainer | Motivational Speaker | Life coach in Surat

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