Empathy Vs Sympathy- Corporate Trainer in Surat - Chetan Patel

Empathy Vs Sympathy- Corporate Trainer in Surat

Corporate trainer in Surat

Empathy Vs Sympathy- Corporate Trainer in Surat

Why am I discussing the difference between these two very interchangeable terms “sympathy and empathy” here, you may wonder. Let me explain. Being a corporate trainer in Surat, I have this vision that every workplace in Gujarat, or for the matter of fact in India, must allow their employees to connect, communicate and bond with one another. 

But, how is that possible without having the quality of emotional intelligence in them? Did you know that sympathy and empathy are the two pillars of the trait emotional intelligence? To understand their differences lets first comprehend them individually. 

Empathy Vs Sympathy

What is sympathy?

Sympathy is a feeling of pity over one’s situation. Feeling someone’s pain on a surface-level and not deep-rooted could be a better meaning of sympathy. It is a feeling that comes from your basic observation. You may not be able to feel the other person’s pain but value his emotions. Statements that are sympathy-led maybe like “I feel sorry” or “It must have been frustrating”. These statements are not deep-rooted but condolences.

What is empathy?

Empathy is a more intense feeling. And it is largely about experiencing what the other feels. When someone hits their toe on the edge of the desk in front of you, don’t you feel the exact same pain and scrunch your faces? That’s empathy. You feel them. You connect with them. Empathy is a wide acknowledgment of one’s pain or trauma. Just as they say “putting one into their shoes”. A statement that is empathy-led maybe like “I feel what you are going through”.

Even though both are the strong pillars of emotional quotient levels, empathy is always considered as a better human trait.

Now, I have a question for you- “Do you think workplaces need to hire emotionally intelligent employees?” 

As per Forbes.com, 95% of HR managers believe that emotional intelligence is one of the valuable traits they look for while hiring an employee. Why? A higher emotional quotient delivers a productive and healthy work environment. 

Here I put forward another question to my leaders, do you allow your employees to showcase their emotions at the workplace? Have you ever inquired about what they feel? This is where one needs to understand and develop empathy over sympathy.

Throughout my career as a corporate trainer in Surat, I have seen people discussing kinds of stuff away from their personal life at work. There will be discussions on music, movies, sports, and whatnot. People pile up their “work persona” every Monday morning and head up to their offices hiding their emotions, troubles, and issues inside this made-up `work persona”. The week goes by but when it’s Saturday evening, they cannot wait to pull out their fake personas to relax and rewind at their homes, because they feel stuffed and suffocated throughout the whole week. Why is there such a difference between Monday mornings and Saturday evenings? This reminds me of this meme we see these days on social media:

Monday vs Friday


Have you seen an iceberg? Only 20% of an iceberg remains above the water level while the rest 70% stays hidden beneath. Employees of this era are just like these icebergs who are unwilling to showcase their emotions at the workplace. And why are they not willing to pour out emotions? Because workplaces lack people who can empathize with them.

For instance, an employee who had been good at work, depicting poor productivity. Instead of giving him multiple warnings, have you tried to question or raised concerns over what could have happened? This could be a better approach rather than bashing him for his poor performance. It will encourage him to speak up on the real issue he may be facing. 

If CEO, HR teams and higher management officials empathize with their employees, then long gone will be the days when employees will come hopping to their work with the utmost energy as they feel while at home.

I believe that the power of empathy can change our workplaces for good. If you wish to conduct a workshop or require a coach for a better understanding of developing emotional quotient in yourself and in your peers, contact me, your corporate trainer in Surat.


Chetan Patel

Chetan Patel World

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