Podcasts Archive - Page 15 of 54 - Chetan Patel

Early Birds

1. Understanding the individual  It is one of the most important deposit you can make and it is the key to every other deposit  Deposits: Going for walk to talk things over Going out for ice cream together  Working on a common project  2. Attending to the little things  The little kindnesses...

Are you ready to update your life’s compass so that it always points towards true North?  Let’s discover some principles! Lesson 1: Principles are the ultimate way of seeing the world as it truly is, not as you’d like it to be. Remember, your biggest failure in life. Listen...

Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals found in food that nourish your body and help keep you healthy. They are essential to your overall health. Calcium Your body needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth in childhood and adolescence. As an adult, you need calcium to...

Identify and working on area that help you to improve relationship with self is essential task everyone have to do weekly or monthly bases. 1)     Walk barefoot on the Earth: This neutralizes our energy and allows us to release any negative energy directly into the earth....

માનવની પહલી શ ° Šƈત ‡ચĂ છે. – Ȑમાં ચતૈ ƛય છે. તેƨવયં ̆કાશĮપ છે. આ ӕતˆરક શŠƈત ƥયŠƈતƗવને િનખાર° છે. Ȑમાં ચતૈ ƛય છે એવા ‡ચĂનેસમજવા ગીતાના ભŠƈતયોગ બારમાં અƚયાય Ʀલોક 6-7 જોઈએ યે ȱું સવા½ણી કમા½ણી મયી સ ંƛયƨય મƗપરા: | અનƛયેનવૈ યોગેન...

Inspiration 1. What you write doesn’t have to do anything with your work or job. Write something that is interesting to you. 2. Familiarize yourself with Linkedin Communities and Groups 3. Have a hobby? Pull from it and apply to business. 4. Explain your ‘hack’ that helps you come...

1. Analysing:- you to understand that you and your mind is a two different thing.  You have to think that you and your mind are different parts. You are not your mind. Don't operate from moods and feelings. 2. Reclaiming your attention :- Every day you...

Monday is Leadership day  Let's work on the principle. Time is like a river and our job is to go with the flow. Our parents guided us through our encounters with reality. As we get older, we begin to make our own choices. We all are born with different...

અર્જુન છાલના ફાયદા 1. તાવમાં અર્જુન છાલનો ઉપયોગ 2. Xay Rogma અર્જુન ચાલના ફાયદા 3. હૃદય રોગમાં Helpful 4. એસિડિટિમા રાહત આપે છે 5. હાડકાના રોગોમા બહુ ઉપયોગી છે 6. પિમ્પલ્સ/સ્કિનકેર 7. ડાયાબીટિસ મા ફાયદેમંદ...

Improving relationships with self is a process of transformation by which we can improve our self and for that we have to work on our time, goals, challenges, character, and belief. We can do it by below factors 1) Not change our live as per the opinion...