Decode the code SSS - Leadership Mantra by Business Coach in Gujarat

Decode the code SSS – Leadership Mantra by Business Coach in Gujarat

Leadership Mantra by business coach in Gujarat

Decode the code SSS – Leadership Mantra by Business Coach in Gujarat

Leaders do not stop by just establishing the business as dreamed. They travel that extra mile, to diversify the business. They extend their dreams to adding values to the society, giving back to the system, and slowly set paths for their followers to take. Do you see yourself getting to this? Are you confused about how to handle the pressure of maintaining your existing business while moving forward? Let us use one magic code to ease this situation.

The code is ‘SSS’- Sustainable, Scale, and Speed.

Come, let’s decode the code to understand further.


To get a sustainable system, you need to take the first step of establishing your plan. Once the initial planning and decision making is done, you must bring a practical example of your business model. I can walk you through some examples from my career. I had programs set to empower people to lead a life with integrity. As the working model of my idea was set to launch, I brought it to the access of my clients. Now, that is a sustainable state of my program. So, I can now slowly scale the model by making it accessible for more people.


When you are confident in the existing balance of your business or career, you can take the next step forward. So, step two is to scale your sustainable system. To scale an existing department or business, you need to bring in more workforce and potential work. For example, my team that facilitates people to set goals is currently in a scalable state. We have large groups whom we can groom to set free with their goals defined. My team can now expand the reach and enable more people to think and derive their goals in life as well as business.


As you establish a sustainable working model of your business plan, and you are capable of extending your services to a larger group, now it is time for you to speed up the growth. Just a point to remember is, when you speed up, you must not lose your existing balance. You can multiply the same business to earn more value and money. The effort must be calculated well in advance and executed. Otherwise, there are chances of collapsing. An example I would like to show you is my team of corporate communication. Thousands of our partners are set to fly high with improved communication skills. So, this team of mine is in speeding up mode.

To further help you visualize the SSS model of business, let me cite an example.

Being a business coach in Gujarat, I have an early bird club, which I started with just 15 people. I got going with this small team, which was the first working model of my idea. I had established a structure and system with this team, so this is a sustainable model. Now, slowly I can handle the second and third batches of early birds. Thus, I am scaling up my system. My teams managed well to wake up early in the morning, spend time on workouts and breathing exercises, join on the call for sharing our day’s plan, and so on. The next phase is to speed up the growth by operating three or more new batches, which is feasible now with my experiences and learning from previous groups. That is how I devised a sustainable plan, worked to scale up my team and finally speed up the business.

To Conclude with

Observe any established successful businesses, and you can figure out their secret SSS code. This code guarantees you one of the easiest paths to achieving your dreams. “No dreamer is ever too small, and no dream is ever too big”. Everything is possible if we want to believe it thus. So, don’t hesitate, let us bring your dream project into life, add more values, and build a sustainable environment.


Chetan Patel

Business coach in Gujarat


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