Decode the code PTO – Leadership Mantra by Business Trainer in Gujarat

Decode the code PTO – Leadership Mantra by Business Trainer in Gujarat

Business Trainer in Gujarat

Decode the code PTO – Leadership Mantra by Business Trainer in Gujarat

Great leaders not just set examples and paths for the rest of the world, but also inspire the crowd to take action. Let’s decode the code PTO to understand how they do it.

PTO refers to Problem, Threat, and Opportunity. Without the right actions at the right time, no goals would be achieved. And no issues were resolved without properly communicating about the same. Conversations are very important in understanding the problem and obtaining solutions. An inspiring conversation can be the source of various innovative ideas. So, as a leader, one must be careful to converse about the problems and threats that pose challenges to the mission and opportunities to overcome these challenges.

George S Patton Jr is quoted as Pressure makes diamonds. True, isn’t that? Tough challenges give birth to most beautiful people or ideas. Identifying the problem and having an open discussion about it is the first step to facing any challenge. Such discussions can help to understand all potential solutions. While talking about the problem, keep in mind to be specific, analyse all affected areas, list out all the details, and record the discussion. This will help the process in further stages too.

Once we have discussed the problems and roughly identified the solutions, then talk about the threats that may occur if we do not handle the problem properly. These threats can be complex than our initial problems. So, it is very important to talk and have the right understanding of threats. This can also help to prepare for any undesirable situations.

Now, we have identified and talked about the problem, and figured the threats. The next step is to find out the opportunities and discuss it. A leader must show them all possible opportunities to complete the task as planned. This will motivate the crowd and help to stay inspired. Also, talk to them on how to grab the opportunities and make the right use of it. An incomplete action can be the result of visionless leadership.

So, as an inspiring leader, you have to create an environment to identify and talk about their Problems, Threats, and possible Opportunities. Also, try to practice and master this code in your life, as actions speak more than words. Keep inspiring people around you, with your actions and greater leadership skills.


Chetan Patel

Business Trainer in Gujarat


About Myself

I am Chetan Patel, the Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, English Speaking Coach and Business trainer in Gujarat. I transform lives for good.

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