24 Aug Decode the code CFC – Leadership Mantra by Business Coach in Gujarat
Do you remember the conventional FM radio? We had to tune it to the desired frequency of our favourite channel. I hope you remember the noise that comes out of the radio when we accidentally tune it to a frequency with no telecasting channel. How difficult was it to fine-tune to the right channel and listen to our favourite show in a crystal clear way? But once the frequency match is completed, we can hear the rhythm, news, advertisement, and other telecasted programs for a long time isn’t it.
The same way we calibrate our radio, to match the frequency of our favourite channel, we need to fine-tune our channel of communication with our clients too. If we can establish a noise-free, zero disturbance channels with our clients, both internal and external, a lot of our tasks, talks, and takeaways become super easy.
Calibration in and Frequency the context of client interactions
Are you wondering what calibration is? Any instrument needs to be regularly calibrated to retrieve proper valid outputs. Another word for calibration can be configuration adjustments or merely maintenance work. As we fine-tune an instrument at regular intervals, its performance, efficiency, and accuracy increase. Just the same way, as we do the routine calibration with our client’s frequency, both of us will be on track for every action and decision.
We discussed what calibration is and how it can affect the performance. Let’s now see what frequency is. In the context of client interactions, the frequency can be referred to as the thought process that drives us to the committed goals. To be more precise, consider we are working on a project for our client. If we have established a comfortable communication space with our clients, it makes the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and worries easier. And, when there is an active smooth communication channel, the working environment becomes more pleasant, productivity increases, and the amount of any possible rework reduces.
Why is calibration of frequency important?
We must clearly understand our client’s requirements and conditions to start working on any joint ventures, right? And, it is very much needed to have regular discussions to assure everything is on track, and there are no glitches or deviation from the original plan. These discussions also help to resolve any issues or concerns at the earliest and thus reduce the impact of the same.
And some points to be kept in mind as we fine-tune our client interactions are:
- Importance of understanding the requirements clearly
- Impact of right care for the client’s emotions and situations
- The right choice of words in the communications
- Precise and elaborate explanations as per necessity
- Understanding about their world, lifestyle, and schedules
Considering the above points will definitely help to achieve a more balanced relationship with your client.
So, today we discussed the importance of establishing a proper communication channel with our client, methods to achieve the same, and the concept of calibrating the existing frequency.
Hope you all can handle the frequency calibration and fine-tune more efficiently from now onwards.
Stay Safe!
Business Coach in Gujarat
About Myself
I am Chetan Patel, the Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, English Speaking Coach and Business trainer in Gujarat. I transform lives for good.
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