Business is a Game - Chetan Patel

Business is a Game

Business is a Game

Team building plays key role in company 

Preparing organization structure ?  – We wise while selecting people around you. Building a company can never be a one-man show. Business is a GAME. Business an Army to attach on Focused target in time. A business requires multiple skill-sets and it is not possible for any entrepreneur to have all the necessary skills. Any challenge may arise in the game while playing. Therefore, you need to bring together three to five right minded talents with complementary skill sets.see movie “Jumanji”. Business is a partnering possibilities.You need to start putting your team together as soon as possible and work on perfecting it throughout the entire start-up process. So hire people who believe in what you believe , Never hire people who need job. see the TEDx video of Simon Sinek on Start with why – how great leaders inspire action. 

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