Business Coach in Surat Decodes Code PPE for Leaders - Chetan Patel

Business Coach in Surat Decodes Code PPE for Leaders

Business coach in Surat decodes the Code PPE

Business Coach in Surat Decodes Code PPE for Leaders

Donald H Mcgonnan once said: ‘Leadership is an action, not a position’. A true leader sets an example for others to follow. They speak through their actions than words. And to do so, they follow practices and develop habits in their life to keep inspiring. Let us decode a leader’s principal code that is PPE.

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What is PPE?


Plan, Prepare and Execute.

This is a code that needs to be used in our routine life first. As we implement PPE in daily chores, we can see that our productivity rises, and a positive aura is spread.  Let me decode each process for you:


‘Well planned is half done.’

Start setting up a task list for your day. A to-do list will help you clearly understand how much work is there to be done, plan on how much can be taken per day, and finally, analyze how much did we come close to our targets. It is advised to prepare this to-do list for the previous day. Doing so will not only give you clarity as you wake up but also inspire you to move out of bed to get started with your tasks.

Keep sticky notes, or get your activity calendar on the phone, to prepare this list. Also, make sure not to discard a day’s list of planned tasks as the day ends. Instead, save them all, to see the improvement in yourself after a while.


Let us call this stage ‘arranging the tasks in the order of priority’.

A leader will have two sets of plans, short-term plans, and long-term plans. Now, look at your planned task list and categorize them accordingly. One tip to keep in mind is to push those tasks associated with your short-term goals up the list, and those with the long term goals to the bottom.

If you observe, you can see that most great leaders wake up early in the morning and finishes their tasks before the sunset. This gives them an ample amount of time, to review and redo on any work in the remaining time. Also, this practice gives time for themselves, loved ones, and most importantly, to plan the next day!


The final mantra that has the utmost importance is execution.

No action plan written on a paper is valued unless it is efficiently executed. Have you noticed that a leader’s focus is on ‘Do, Don’t do, and Delegate.’?

Leaders are not people who work hard, all alone. They inspire and gather others along their side, they provide guidelines for others to follow. Leaders help their followers to act and also delegate tasks accordingly. And that is how they lead. Executing your plans will look extremely difficult. To overcome this, you must keep yourself motivated.

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Staying focused is not an easy task for anyone. But having a strong determination will help to resolve this. On that note, understand that sometimes creative ideas can loosen the grip on your routine plans. It is well accepted to experiment with life, but it must not shift your focus.

Plan, prioritize and execute your daily tasks. Wake up early to start fresh. Practice everything to keep you routed to your goals. Revisit your goals and plans regularly. Check on your improvement status and feel the road ahead. It is all in your brain, mind, and actions. Let us bring out the leader within and lead the way. Remember to plan well, prioritize accordingly and execute efficiently!


Chetan Patel World

Business Coach in Surat



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