Bravely face the situation and four practices to create atmosphere for it - Chetan Patel

Bravely face the situation and four practices to create atmosphere for it

Bravely face the situation and four practices to create atmosphere for it

Chetan Patel
Bravely face the situation and four practices to create atmosphere for it

When you have Level 5 Leadership, and you have the right people, then the whole organization is able to put company performance ahead of their own ego. This enables you to face the situation.

Great results can only be achieved when you make lots of good decisions and then execute them well. To make good decisions you need to accept the situation and work on the solution. To avoid distorting the facts you need an atmosphere where the truth is welcomed.

There are four practices to help you create an atmosphere where company would bravely face the situation:

  1. Lead with questions and not with answers
  2. Engage in dialog and debate, without force  
  3. Learn from mistakes without blame 
  4. Build red flag mechanism so that facts don’t get ignored
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