Avoid Imagination & Move forward - Chetan Patel

Avoid Imagination & Move forward

Avoid Imagination & Move forward

Chetan Patel
Avoid Imagination & Move forward

When we are in any relationship, we should avoid bountiful imagination. It has the power to destroy or build a relationship. but both cases will be harmful to us.

Let me share a story, Once a Monk & his disciple was walking through a mountain & come at the bank of the river. It was heavy raining at that time. Because of this, it was not easy to cross the river for the disciple because he was not aware of how to swim. So monk took him in his arm & cross the river. A disciple was very happy when they crossed. On the other side, a woman who stays in the village opposite side of the river was watching them. She was not aware that how to swim. So, she requested a monk to help her. Monk didn’t think & pickup in his arm & help her to cross the river & come back again. They both left together. But the monk noticed that his disciple was not focusing & he was not happy. Monk didn’t waste time & discuss with him that what happened, why does he look like unhappy? The disciple replied that you taught me that we should not touch a woman & maintain distance. our eye should be in her feet. But you took her in your arm & cross the river. why?

Monk simply smiled that “When I took her in my arm, I drop her opposite side of the river. But you are still carrying her”

This is a well-known story which we may listen to many times but the things we learn from this story are: It was imaginary of a disciple in his mind which make him unhappy & he was losing the trust of his GURU. Other has monk realized the unhappiness of his disciple. He didn’t avoid it but he talked with him & help him to bring him back to real life from imagination

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