Affirmation:Unfold the secret of achieving goals - Chetan Patel

Affirmation:Unfold the secret of achieving goals

Affirmation:Unfold the secret of achieving goals

Unfold the secret of achieving goals

To find the secret of the universe , think in terms of frequency, energy and vibration- Nikolas Tesla

To get success, do it daily

WHO am I ?
1. Chant same mantra/affirmation for 108 times daily
My mantra is I am powerful

WHAT do I want?
2. Visualise that living that life

I am powerful in handling money and time, I am enjoying life, I am powerful in leading people

How do I feel?
3. Add feelings and emotions in it.

Feel that you are your word/ affirmation/mantra

I am feeling that I am powerful now and it’s giving me feeling to work powerfully and deal the challenges powerfully

I say thanks to GOD for all the powerful skills I have.

Emotions are everything so when your Word, feel and see will be aligned you start achieving Goals

See this video:

Thanks to Amar Panchal for sharing me this wonderful video

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