10 Nov Goal Setting Exercise
Welcome, all the committed leaders!
Before starting the goal-setting exercise, please make sure you note down below nine points in your diary:
1. Emotion: Have a strong emotional connection because “WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK”.
2. Visualization: Have your visualizations meet your desires to achieve whatever you want.
3. Control: Have good self-control before starting the work towards the goal so as to maintain a good focus over the goal.
4. Purpose: As you sow so shall you reap must be your purpose.
5. Courage: To rise above the prejudices, forget about the past. Believe in yourself to achieve bigger.
6. Clear: To be clear and transparent. Clear all the physical and mental space to focus on your goal is the sole requirement.
7. Save: You need to make sure you save 10% of your earning anyhow.
8. Actions: Thinking about the ideas is pointless. Instead, discuss your ideas, start implementing it in your daily life.
9. Stay calm: Remain cool and calm to achieve your goals, because when you are healthy and happy you get the power to touch the sky.
So, now let’s move on to our goal setting exercise.
For this, you need to close your eyes and sit silently for about a minute and feel your breath. Take a deep breath, feel the sensation, and then breath in and breath out. Focus on your inhalation and exhalation.
Now listen to me with all your attention:
Ask yourself?
1. What do I really want?
2. Why am I doing this stuff daily?
Now slowly open your eyes and start the exercise.
Your answer might be, I want money or might be I want to prove myself or might be I want freedom, some might want peace and some might want something else.
fill up this link and understand the steps of goal setting exercise.
- Set a definite goal
- Start learning how to achieve it
- Stop thinking about why you can’t do this.
- Meet the person/your ideal who achieved their goal
- Remove past labels you have set for yourself.
- Visualise goals daily and feel you have achieved.
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