પ્રસન્નતાપૂર્વક ની સફલતા :gratifying success :The 888 Formula - Chetan Patel

પ્રસન્નતાપૂર્વક ની સફલતા :gratifying success :The 888 Formula

પ્રસન્નતાપૂર્વક ની સફલતા :gratifying success :The 888 Formula

In a world driven by monumental achievements and grand aspirations, the art of finding gratifying success often takes a back seat. Yet, the secret to lasting happiness lies not in conquering mountains, but in the day-to-day triumphs that shape our lives. Join me on a journey as we explore the transformative power of the 888 formula – an approach that promises to rekindle your sense of accomplishment and nurture genuine happiness.

The Daily Pursuit of Happiness

Imagine waking up each morning with a sense of purpose, eager to conquer the day’s challenges. Contrary to popular belief, happiness isn’t an elusive entity tied to future accomplishments. Rather, it’s the culmination of daily successes that build a foundation of contentment.

Meet Abhishek, a young professional I had the privilege of coaching. Abhishek was ambitious, with dreams of transforming his passion for writing into a full-time career. Yet, overwhelmed by the enormity of his goal, he often found himself trapped in a cycle of frustration and self-doubt.

The Journey of Abhishek: A Real-Life Example

As Abhishek’s coach, I introduced him to the concept of gratifying success. We embarked on a journey of self-discovery, recognizing that each small victory was a stepping stone to his larger dreams. Our first step was creating the 888 schedule – a framework that balanced work, rest, and personal time.

8 Hours of Sleep: Adequate rest was non-negotiable. Abhishek discovered that a well-rested mind was better equipped to tackle challenges and seize opportunities.

8 Hours of Work: Our work hours consisted of a strategic blend of visionary and missionary actions. Abhishek dedicated 20% of his time to actions that aligned with his long-term vision and 80% to practical, goal-driven tasks.

8 Hours of “Me Time”: This was Abhishek’s sanctuary – a time for self-care, hobbies, and relaxation. It was during this personal time that Abhishek nurtured his creativity and passion for writing.

The Transformation Begins

As Abhishek embraced the 888 formula, a remarkable transformation unfolded. He shifted his focus from the end goal to the process, finding gratification in completing tasks every day. Whether it was crafting a single page of his novel or connecting with fellow writers, every action contributed to his sense of accomplishment.

Abhishek’s daily victories were small but significant. The joy he derived from these achievements fueled his motivation and bolstered his confidence. The doubts that once plagued him began to dissipate as he realized that progress, no matter how incremental, was evidence of his potential for success.

Reaping the Rewards

Over time, Abhishek’s commitment to the 888 formula bore fruit. He completed his novel, secured freelance writing opportunities, and even embarked on a journey to start his own writing business. More importantly, Abhishek’s perspective on success had transformed. He no longer saw it as a distant summit but as a path paved with daily triumphs.


Abhishek’s story is a testament to the profound impact of the 888 formula and the philosophy of gratifying success. By focusing on the completion of daily tasks and nurturing a balanced lifestyle, we can pave the way for genuine happiness. As a coach, I’ve witnessed countless individuals, like Abhishek, rediscover their sense of purpose and celebrate their accomplishments. The journey towards gratifying success begins today – by embracing the power of daily triumphs and cultivating a life that radiates happiness from within.

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